The world never runs out of problems and seeing many organizations and individuals taking a stand to solve them is a beautiful sight. Nevertheless, one of the largest and most frequent issues for organizations wanting to have a positive impact on society is the lack of resources, both material and immaterial. Many philanthropic institutions support specific external projects through grant-making means, leaving all administrative tasks to grantees. From the point of view of the receiving end, this can have its perks in some occasions because it leaves complete freedom and flexibility. Seen from the donor’s perspective though, a more streamlined approach, where tight control on all processes can be exerted, may be more appreciated. That’s why we’ve built a federal system of organizations, each devoted to serving a precise purpose and whose activity is under constant scrutiny by several layers of officers who guarantee coherence with our principles and objectives. Our donors and partners can monitor each step of the process they’re involved in, and be sure they are having the impact that they aspired for.

Four benefits

All the organizations that operate at a local level will reap the benefits of our integrated framework: The Dongu Initiative serves as a central hub supervising all operations.

Furthermore, to strengthen the chain of trust and accountability, we operate exclusively within the boundaries of our own federation.


Resources are distributed on the base of merit and objective need.


Ideas and best practices are shared across affiliated organizations.


Experienced and qualified leadership at all levels.


We do what we love, we love what we do.

We’ll listen to you

Economic growth is an ambitious goal, more so if you consider that we also want to make it sustainable for everyone. It would not be reasonable to embark on such a mission thinking to be able to single-handedly overcome it: on the contrary, we are driven by the belief that we can be stronger together.

Whether you are a public or private institution, we want to know why it is important for you to donate resources for a specific cause, and we’ll accompany you through the entire process.

Take care of what’s important to you today, and it will grow strong tomorrow.

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